Il Granello di Senape is a San Vincenzo de Paoli of Bologna's Project, which operates in the social and educational field as an after-school for children in difficulty from primary and middle school.

The Volunteers

Enrolled children can benefit the services of this after-school thanks to the generosity and availability of volunteers of various ages and origins, volunteers in Civil Service, trainees of the University of Bologna, or guys doing a work-related learning (PCTO). All these figures take turns, every day, to make their resources and time available for the success of the project.

Volunteers attend periodic meetings to share each child's educational path and adjust it as needed.

We are continuously looking for people who are willing to offer their own time and love for these children , to receive at least twice as much.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, carrying out the Civil Service, or doing a work-related learning (PCTO) or want to carry out a university internship with us, please send an email to

Our Staff

L’attività viene gestita e coordinata da uno Staff di 3 persone con formazione e competenze diverse, tutte con una lunga esperienza all’interno del doposcuola:
Caterina Nascè (referente) e Francesca Borghetti e Andrea Zanetti (educatori). Lo Staff provvede a svolgere le funzioni di base necessarie per assicurare il servizio di supporto scolastico ed educativo:

  • ● secretarial activities
  • ● contatti con gli Enti territoriali e con le Scuole (colloqui con gli assistenti sociali, con gli educatori di quartiere, con gli insegnanti…)
  • ● support for the families of enrolled minors
  • ● management and training of volunteers
  • ● tutoring of university trainees and guys in PCTO
  • ● fundraising

Il Granello
di senape




Via Scipione dal Ferro 4
Bologna, 40138

Il Granello
di senape

© Granello di Senape. All rights reserved.

